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Our Stakeholders

Meet Our



The R5RTCC or Region 5 Regional Transportation Coordinating Council Board consists of 21 board members and ranges from County Commissioners to Veteran Service Officers, to Transit Providers and beyond. The ability to have board members from different areas of transportation, as well as different counties, helps bring new ideas to the table along with task implementation.

R5RTCC Board Members

Bill Stearns | Wadena County Commissioner

Bob Kangas | Cass County Commissioner

Brenda Brittin | Transit Director, Rainbow Rider

Bryan McCoy | Tribal Planner, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Crystal Gauthier | Transit Coordinator, Brainerd and Crowing Wing Public Transit

David Anderson | Wadena County Veteran Service Officer

Erich Heppner | Commissioner, Region Five Development Commission

Jan Roers | Owner, People’s Express

Kristine Hoheisel | Horizon Health

Melissa Lyon | Central Minnesota Council on Aging

Randy Jahnke | Transit Director, Friendly Rider

Steve Barrows | Crow Wing County Commissioner

Teresa Carter | Tri-County Communication Action Partnership

Theresa Eclov | Executive Director, Faith in Action for Cass County


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